Untamed Beauty
Immerse yourself in a breathtaking collection of landscape photographs capturing the raw, untamed beauty of our planet.
From the towering peaks of China, the serene deserts of Namibia, or the vast landscapes of the American landscapes, these images transport you to places you may never have the chance to experience firsthand.
More than just stunning visuals, these photographs serve as a powerful reminder of the Earth’s fragility and the urgent need for conservation.
With every purchase of these hand-printed, professionally framed, limited-edition prints, you’re not only acquiring an exclusive piece of art, but also contributing to the preservation of landscapes for generations to come, as 50% of all profits are donated to environmental and conservation causes.
The foundation of the prints is Gumoil printing, which is a photographic printing process that combines a gum bichromate process with oil printing techniques. It was developed by artist Karl Koenig in the 1990s. The gumoil process is appreciated for its ability to produce images with a narrow tonal range and a distinctive, painterly quality. It allows for significant artistic control and can result in prints that are unique and highly expressive. The process is labor-intensive and requires a good understanding of both the chemistry involved and the aesthetic effects desired. Read more about gumoil printing.​
The Process of Adding "Love"
The Gumoil Process... Print a huge negative that mirrors the actual size of the print. Paint a Bichromate mix on the paper. Sandwich them between a full-size glass frame. Expose the image in the sun for about a half hour. Hope it comes out right. Paint the entire image black with artistic ink so that the details are picked up, giving it a deep look of depth. Sqeegee and wash the print. Again, hope it comes out. Dry it slowly so it doesn't tear or crack, making you start over. Whew!